Koldo Mitxelena Prize for Docotorate Thesis in Basque to a member of NOR

Miren Artetxe Sarasola, a member of NOR Research Group, has been awarded the 2020 Koldo Mitxelena Prize in Social Sciences. This award is distributed every two years by Euskaltzaindia and the University of the Basque Country, and the evaluation Committee is formed by representatives and staff from both organisations. Particularly valid are the quality of Basque language used in the thesis and its impact in the scientific community.

Miren defended her thesis, entitled Linguistic itineraries of the young people of the bertso workshops in the North Basque Country: youth identities, linguistic mudes and legitimization processes, under the supervision of Jone Miren Hernandez and Josu Amezaga in February 2020. In order to do this work, she had received the support of the UPV/EHU’s Mikel Laboa Katedra.

Further information about the thesis can be seen in this interview at the newspaper Berria (if you are not able to understand Basque yet, try with the app itzuli + on your browser, on android, or on apple).